Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I love food. I have found that when I'm depressed, stressed and busy, the first thing I'll do is head for the pantry or fridge and find something sweet to much my cares away.
Sound familiar?

There is no food that God deems as off-limits. However, gluttony is a sin.

This past fortnight in college, our dearest Training Principle (We love you Captain Steven Court) challenged us to take on some 'get out of your comfort zone' activities. (See Sarah Eldridge's Blog for more detail of what we had to do)

I fasted for a week. No food, just liquids (decaf coffee, broth, water). Through out this time I prayed for one of our Staff Members' (Glenda Savage) health and for a break though in my 'compassion' and love towards others.

Praise the Lord, Glenda is on the road to full recovery and by Thursday, God softened my heart towards to lost, hurt and dying.

Did you know that John Wesley wouldn't ordain a minister unless they fasted every Wednesday and Friday until 4pm?

So from all this I'm sold.

If you want break through, to grow closer to God, need healing... FAST!

If you're relying on food to make you feel happy... FAST!

By the way if you aren't called to be doing what you are now doing, then train up and offer for officership. Contact your CO or divisional candidates secretary today.
If I can do it so can YOU!!!

In his Hands

1 comment:

fireafloppingvolley said...

Promises of phenomenal results due to fasting always make me feel suspicious. Perhaps that's why I don't see them.

I'm guessing you read the Derek Prince book on fasting? I just don't know what to think about it. If there really is an explicit biblical directive to fast, then surely that is enough reason on it's own to do so? Not because it comes along with neat fringe benefits?

All of that being said, major kudos for a week long fast!

Google 'Bill Bright fasting' for some more info on fasting too.

Slightly-less-than-major-kudos on the off-handed exhortation to become an officer.